gempex CEO Frank Studt will share the development of pharma 4.0 and how to prepare for inspection


In recent years, digital measures such as Pharma 4.0, digital capabilities in drug development, and the implementation of blockchain technology, have gained widespread support in the industry and are increasingly becoming critical factor in terms of competition. With strong government support, intelligent manufacturing of drugs as a more cost-effective and effective tool is now one of the options being adopted in the United States and many other countries to promote efficient production of API and formulations.

However, carrying out these strategic measures, which requires the drug manufacturers to optimize their production, and also need to have the expertise and capacity to maintain them. Thus, PMEC China will invite the senior experts in the industry to gather online to brainstorm on "Digital Drug Production Solutions", sharing their insights from the perspectives of regulation, technology and concept, and unlock the growth code of the pharmaceutical industry in the next decade with the online audience, and continue to move towards on-demand production.

gempex is very honored to be invited by PMEC China, and Mr. Studt, gempex CEO, will be the one of first guests to share online under the theme of "Digital Drug Production Solutions". We appreciate your participation!

Lecturer Introduction

  • Mr. Studt graduated from University of Stuttgart in Germany with a major in civil engineering. He has more than 25 years experience in the field of life sciences, especially familiar with the development of the German pharmaceutical industry.
  • He has a senior background in modern computerized system management and validation, has a deep understanding of intelligent manufacturing and development, and also participates in international third-party compliance inspection services.
  • He has successively worked for international construction companies, internationally renowned pharmaceutical companies and consulting companies. He is good at combining the concept and knowledge of GMP with GEP, helping enterprises realize advanced GMP concept, and successfully passing official certification and various inspections

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Inspection preparation under Industry 4.0

Share Time

14:00 -- 14:30 on January 9, 2023

Speech Overview

1. Industry 4.0 and the application of Industry 4.0 in pharmaceutical enterprises

2. Foreign inspections in the background of the epidemic

3. How to prepare for inspection

Topic purpose

  • Industry 4.0 is/will be a continuing challenge for all countries and for all enterprises
  • In the background of Industry 4.0, how can enterprises achieve long-term and better development
  • Assist enterprises to jointly improve the quality of drugs and help increase the safety of patients

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We appreciate your participation.
