gempex will participate in the 4th QbD Quality Science Biologics Summit


On May 12-13, 2023, the 4th QbD Quality Science Biologics Summit will be held at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Chaoyang district, Beijing. As an invited party, Ralf Gengenbach, founder and CEO of gempex China, will share a speech on Forum Four - Global Drug Policy and Regulation in this conference. His speech is entitled " Modern Qualification & Validation as a prerequisite for EU market authorization". In addition, gempex booth number at this conference is B09. Welcome you to visit and get free consultation service here!

Summit Information

This summit will continue to deepen the concept of QbD, focus on sharing quality culture practice, drive the high-level development of the pharmaceutical industry with quality, and develop the pharmaceutical industry with quality first.

Summit Name:The 4th QbD Quality Science Biologics Summit

SummitTheme:Competitive drug quality efficacy cast quality shoulder ridge

Summit Date:May 12-13, 2023

SummitLocation:at Crowne Plaza Plaza, Chaoyang district, Beijing.

SummitScale:1,800 people

gempex has prepared many gifts at booth B09 in Zone B, welcome to your presence and free consultation on site!

If you have any questions, please contact us

Click here to learn more about the presentation on Modern Qualification & Validation as a prerequisite for EU market authorization".
