Good Engineering Practice in Qualification – How Suppliers Work


  • Technical lecture gempex
  • Qualification and Validation Forum, November 15-16, 2022, Heidelberg, Germany
  • ECA Good Practice Guide "Integrated Qualification and Validation - a guide to effective qualification and validation based on Customer - Supplier Partnership

In order to increase efficiency in qualification and validation, various approaches have been developed in recent years. The risk-based approach is one of them. Another approach lies in the early and optimal involvement of plant and system suppliers. This can not only increase quality, but also save time and money.

This is the topic of the ECA's Qualification and Validation Forum, which is being held again this year in Heidelberg face-to-face after a two-year break due to Corona. On November 15 and 16, leading experts will meet in Heidelberg to discuss current trends, best cases and new approaches.

Ralf Gengenbach is Head of ECA‘s Validation Group and will, in addition to moderating, address the opportunities, potentials and pitfalls of integrated qualification in his own technical presentation on the topic:
" How Suppliers Work: Good Engineering Practice in Qualification".

For more information on the event, visit

Please contact gempex for more questions about modern Qualification and Validation via .
